
Friday, 4 December 2015

Classroom cards and more elf shenanigans

DD1; Mummy you know Christmas is coming?
Me; Yes....
DD1; Can I give everyone in my class a card?
Me; Of course you can!
DD1; And a present? 
Me; um......
DD1; It's Christmas! You HAVE to give presents at Christmas! 

And so DD1 and I have spend our evening mummy daughter time making up 30 Christmas cards (plus two spare - just in case!)
Each card is handwritten by DD1 and includes a few Christmas stickers and a mini candy cane.
£3 in Pound Land well spent I think :)

Tomorrow's elf on the shelf is interactive. Now its the weekend we can have some elf activities to enjoy. 
We have elf milk, bananas, squirty cream and Christmas shaped sprinkles. 

I look forward to showing you all the resulting creations on tomorrow's post.

X x x

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