
Friday, 16 October 2015

Geranium Girl

It's been a week since my birthday. A week of knocking my birthday cards off the windowsill every time I open and shut the curtains, and picking them up when certain daughters rush past to quick.
Not to mention breezes, elbows, playful three year olds and the occasional poltergeist.
They are now in the bureau drawer until preschool request them or I see a cute idea on Pinterest.

But now my pretty windowsill display is gone, it looks a bit stark and empty. Birthday cards annoy me but they are beautiful to look at. It's a love hate relationship lol.
I had a brainwave while putting the bins out and spotting my hanging baskets full of beautiful geraniums. I have several heads out and lots more in bud getting ready to explode into colour. I snipped off two pink and two red, and recycled a bottle from one of my birthday beers.

Sweet, simple and brings a smile to my face each time I walk past them. 

X x X 

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