
Thursday, 9 July 2015

Mummy Daughter Time

Poor DD has been acting out a little bit this past week. I suspected it was my fault as I just haven't given her much one to one attention these past few weeks. With a two year old whose always getting into something,and a nine week old baby needing constant watching (read: protecting from over helpful big sisters), there just doesn't quite seem enough time to go around.
So today I did the school run solo, took DD to a local ice cream parlour and just listened to what she was telling me.
DD wants more lap cuddles, more school book reading time and funny enough more ice cream treats.
Today I have learnt that 5 isn't actually that old and independent, that the child shouting my name loudest isn't always who needs me most, and that a mummy cuddle can fix almost all the Boo boos in a five year old world's.  
It's been a sobering lesson but one I'm determined to learn from.

X x X


  1. Ah don't be hard on yourself you are trying, little lady knows that or she wouldn't be able to voice it. Enjoy your girly fun :-)

  2. Sounds like you are on the right track - it's a bit of a juggling act with three small ones. I can remember mine at this similar age (slightly different gaps as mine were 5/3/baby) and probably assuming my eldest was far more grownup than she really was! Good luck :)

  3. Yep as a mother of three I know this well x


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