
Saturday, 18 July 2015

Havant Fun Day

Today was the annual Havant Fun Day. A great event full of free activities and entertainment for local children. 
Baby D decorated a cupcake.

DD and her school buddy Miss A opted for biscuits.  There were also 2 bouncy castles, an inflatable assault course and a human table football.

The local police are always happy to join in with any community events. Today they were doing fingerprints on a little certificate.
DD loved having hers done.

Baby D wasn't so sure and opted for driving the police coupe around. 
After a couple of hours it started getting too hot and busy for the Random's so we retreated to McDonald's for a cheeky happy meal.
We have all had a fab day and I'm rather proud of managing it all by myself. (Hubby is working )

X x X

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