
Wednesday, 22 July 2015

First and last

BABY D om route to her first day of preschool.

Baby D on her last day before the summer break.

DD on her first day of school.

DD on her final day of Year R.

I can't believe how much my two little girls have changed over the school year! 
Excuse me...I'm just off to convince G-man not to grow up.

X x x


  1. what a difference a school year makes. I am sure when you take photos again in September, you will see a big difference again.

  2. Great to watch them growing. And sorry, G-man will grow up too! Enjoy every moment of their childhood, they are a blessing from God [and remind yourself of that when they have d&v at 3am, or smash your favourite cup, or you need to get to a&e with them in the rush hour]


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