
Monday, 6 July 2015

Back on my feet

Sorry for not posting for a little while. Seems I was doing just a little too well with my recovery and picked up a stonking great infection in my wound. I was very lucky to escape being admitted to hospital.
But I am now back up and running just in time to save my poppy seed heads for next year's flowers.

Just in time to spot my first tomato flowers.

 Just in time to catch a wool clearance sale at Wilko. (Shhhh don't tell the Hubby )

                                          X x x



  1. Don't try and do too much! Concentrating on staying well. I have received loads of kind words about the little jacket I knitted from your pattern. Planning to make a few more of them - thanks for that

  2. Oh no! Glad you're over it now but maybe take it a little easy as much as possible from now on (easier said than done I know) :)


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