
Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Aldi spring bargains

Clever hubby spotted a set of four pretty basket hooks while running errands this morning. He snapped them up for just over a pound each and had them on the wall by lunch time.

We popped out to the garden centre to price up baskets but found them astronomical in price. £26.99 was the cheapest ready to hang type, and when we priced up everything for making our own it wasn't much better. 
Luckily Hubby had spotted some recently at Aldi while on a milk run at work. 
At £4.99 each I thought they were too good to resist so we snapped up four matching ones and whisked them home. 
They are already making me smile each time I spot them.

X x X


  1. a lovely bit of Spring colour......looks lovely.

  2. They look lovely - the hooks are such pretty designs, what a bargain.
    Aldi is my main supermarket so I'll look out for them hanging baskets when I next visit. I love Aldi's special buys and flowers :)


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