
Thursday, 12 February 2015

Another one!?!?! 5/12

I finished this beast of a cardigan for DD yesterday.  It's knitted in Sidar Denim ultra chunky on 10mm needles so it took almost no time at all. 
The pattern however lied to me and asked for 10 balls to complete this size, I only used 5 and the tinyest amount from ball 6 for sewing up. I've tried putting the extra balls on a facebook wool swapping page so fingers crossed I can exchange the surplus for a new project.
For my next knitting project I am working on some socks for the girls as the sock monster seems to have decimated the stockpile. I'm aiming to make them three pairs each but classing it as one project.  Otherwise I think it's cheating and I am already racing ahead on the creative project count.

X x x

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