
Thursday, 15 January 2015

Project 2 progress

have officially completed the back panel of DDs cable jumper . I'm feeling pretty proud of my creation as I'm not hugely experienced with cable knitting. Once I got past the first few cable rows with the help of Mrs P at knit and natter,  I was able to keep myself in pattern.

And so onto the sleeves. I knit sleeves together so I can make sure they are the same length. It's also a little less boring than having to knit one then the other. 
 Hopefully I will speed through these quite quickly over the weekend and move onto the front piece.

X x X

1 comment:

  1. That cable is AWESOME - most impressed. I am knitting my beloved a sweater at the minute too. Each evening after a day of packing boxes I allow myself an hour's TV and knitting - but it is a very simple rib pattern so I can knit and watch at the same time xx


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