
Monday, 26 May 2014

Vintage recipe swap reveal

The wonderful Taz over at Butter and Buntings recently arranged a vintage recipe swap through her blog. I was kindly welcomed to join in and was teemed up with New Zealand blogger Cat from Catalinas Cottage. To say it went smoothly is a lie but we struggled through and completed our swap sometime after everyone else. But as the adage goes "better late than never".
 I sent Cat a handful of typical English goodies (sweets, tea) a little book of English tea etiquette and a postcard of the Queen (as close as I could get to tea with the Queen). I hope you enjoy them Cat :)

And here is what I gratefully received from New  Zealand. Three vintage tea towels which make me smiles whenever I see them.  Two packs of New Zealand liquorice which were shared with Hubby. They are beyond delicious!  And a book of preserve recipes by Aunt Daisy. There are several inside I've never come across before so I'm rather excited about trying them out later in the year.
 Thank you so much Cat. The whole parcel was perfect in every way. 

X x x

1 comment:

  1. Aren't swaps fun?! I'm often on the look out with ones to join in with.


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