
Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Making a Chocolate farm

Naughty mummy and daddy scoffed a cheap box of chocolates the other night while we watching a movie. We had to! I needed the box for crafting and I couldn't waste the sweets now could I?
 So once the box was empty  we busted out some sugar paper, some shiny card and a glue stick and got to work.

And about 20 minutes later we had created our very own farm in a box. Baby D chose to use the different colour papers as a pretty floor for her animals, but DD choose to use each section as a field or enclosure to sort her animals. In case you didn't know zebra and cows live very happily together on Chocolate farm, and the farmers wife has trained the big cats to round up the sheep.

 x X x

P.S; In order to start blogging more (time escapes me at the moment) I am trying out the Blogger mobile app again. Wish me luck!


  1. What app are you using? That's what slows me down too

  2. Thats a fab farm, of course their are tigers on farms - isnt imagination a beautiful thing? Ginny


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