
Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Poor Poorly D

IT'S been a hell of a 48 hours for the Randoms

What started out midweek with a common tummy bug ended with an ambulance to hospital on Sunday and 18 hours on life support in intensive care. It has been such a scary journey but she is now off all machinery except monitoring and a drip for her medication. 
Results are still coming back but the diagnosis is Encephalitis from her tummy bug spreading to her brain.
 She has had several fits but they seem to have stopped now shes recovering.  We just have to wait and see if there is any damage to her brain though anything extremely debilitating  would already be apparent so we are into mild damage territory. 48 hours ago I thought I might have lost my baby girl and now she is throwing soft toys at nurses, watching peppa pig and giggling at her toes again. Its been a roller coaster! 

The staff at Southampton Pediatric Intensive Care have been incredible.  I could never thank them enough for saving my D from something unspeakable. 

I will post an update shortly but for now the immediate danger has passed and we can all breath again and process the most intense 48 hours of my life! 

X x


  1. Oh Sarah how frightening that must have been for you all! Sounds like she is in fantastic hands and so glad she is returning back to her old self.

    I will be thinking of you..xx

  2. So glad to hear that little one seems to be getting better. Fingers crossed that all the results come back good x

  3. So scary, unbelievable how life is so fragile. Fingers and toes crossed your little one is safe and healthy again soon

  4. Scary!
    Sending hugs to you all and I hope she bounces back soon in that wonderful way kids usually do xxx

  5. Oh dear how frightening, glad all is getting better though. Sending healing vibes and much love xxx

  6. How incredibly scary for you. Keeping you in my thoughts.

  7. What a horrible experience, I hope she recovers soon. There's nothing worse is there than something happening to one of our kids... thank god for modern medicine!

  8. Any updates, sweetie?

  9. How terrifying for you - do hope the little one continues to rally. Love Arilx


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