
Thursday, 20 February 2014

New life in the New house

 Ta dah! Three little tomato shoots have finally appeared in my tomato kit. It's taken them an age to get started but I think that lovely burst of sunshine we had here on Sunday convinced them finally to get a move on.
 I'd given up on their success to be honest, hence a clove of garlic had been pushed in with them to start growing. The garlic is also growing nicely with lots of healthy white roots sprouting.
 I'm not going to get far on a three tomato plants and a single garlic plant, but it's a start! Tomorrow I will see how my potato's are getting on, and start a handful of radish seeds that came free with a catalouge I ordered.

 On Valentine's Day I took part in an Upcycled bag making course in the local library run by the lovely Lorna Jones. My thoughtful hubby had brought me a ticket as part of my Christmas present. When my mum heard about the course she wanted to join me so we brought her a ticket for Christmas as well.
 Above is my bag creation. I had great fun picking through the suitcases of fabric to find something that caught my interest.

As well as the making the basic bag and lining, we were also shown how make outside and inside pockets. Having barely sewn on a machine before I found the whole course fascinating and am now hungering even more for my own machine to play with.

I'm looking forward to using my new bag......just as soon as I can get DD to give it back!

x x x


  1. Excellent news on the tomato seeds! I really do need to get started on something soon but it's so cold just now that I can seldom get anything to germinate this early in the year. Hope your 3 plants do well. :)

  2. That bag looks lovely, thanks for the link and I've bookmarked the teacher's page.


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