
Wednesday, 16 October 2013

It's Snuggle Time

 Isn't it beautiful? My mum picked up this little beauty last week and past it over to us. It's just the right size and weight to make a perfect snuggle blanket on our leather sofa. Now the temperatures dropping you don't really want to be sat directly on the leather, particularly first thing in the morning lol.
 I love the almost Christmassy colours on the front. At first glance I thought it was a genuine patchwork blanket but mum soon put me straight. There is also a tell tale M&S label on the rear that I didn't notice earlier.
The backing material is also lovely with a retro yellow flower vibe.
 I wonder what it must have cost someone originally? A pretty penny I should imagine. Well I can promise it will be well loved in this household we love our blankets. Thank you Mum for thinking of us when you saw it.



  1. That is lovely - so warm and Christmassy...put the kettle on and warm up a mince pie, I'll be right over !

  2. oh my goodness, the quilt is beautiful x

  3. That's a beautiful quilt - who cares if it's not "real"?!


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