
Wednesday, 2 October 2013

A Quick Frugal Memo Holder

 I was kindly given a little goodie bag today from a local opticians as I walked through town. Inside my little bag of goodies were a glasses case, cleaning cloth, 2 clicky pens, a post it note pad and 2 pompom bugs. As you can see from the photo above the pompom bugs didn't last long and were soon adopted by DD.
 However I was having a thinking about what I could do with the remaining bits. Waste not Want not.

And voila. By unpicking the stitches around the glasses case and resewing it the other way (top to bottom not side to side) I created a pocket big enough to display my post it pad and hold the pens. A little more thread attached to the back made a hanging loop.
 I now have a handy memo holder to hand in my kitchen ready for shopping lists, love notes, to do lists and random movie quotes. And it hasn't cost me a penny!!!

What do you think readers, am I onto a winner?

x X x X x


  1. Hi it's FM here, long time follower. My blog has moved to:
    Can I ask you to publicise this please as something horrid has happened and I can't access any of my old blog or the last four years' worth of blogs - aaargh!! This means I can't find my list of 400+ follwers either, and I genuinely love to spread a little bit of happiness through my blog. Many thanks, FM xxxxx


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