
Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Poorly eye adventures

 I've spent the best part of the day in surgery waiting rooms and eye casualty today. It's been almost a week now I've been having problems. This morning I could barely open my right eye thanks to all the sticky icky ness. So began my adventures.
 But long story short I have an eye infection and now have some stronger Anti - B's to pour into it at various intervals.

On the plus side though all that sitting around waiting with no kidlets has meant I have some fantastic knitting time. The pattern above only uses knit and pearl stitches so I barely needed to watch what I was doing. So I have now completed my second lot of a cardigan and bonnet for a set a twins. I just need to pop on the buttons and deliver it to the lovely lady who comissioned me and I can another £10 to my Home fund.

X x X

P.S - £4 in the £2 saving pot today and 70p in the house fund.


  1. Oh dear, hope your eye improves quickly.

  2. Sorry to hear you have a poorly eye - it must be horrid for you! I hope things improve soon


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