
Monday, 12 August 2013

The prepping season has begun

 Yesterday I made 3 jars of Blackberry Jam (one with whiskey) to start our winter stores this year. I'm hoping to fill my double cupboard with preserved goodies for the winter. I've been picking the blackberries every few days with the kiddiwinks. It's a lovely excuse to walk through the little copse by our home together and look for, among other things, Gruffalos.
 I like a bit of variety in my jam so this is it for Blackberry jam this year, but I will still be picking them for mixed jams, pies, ketchup, syrups, and blackberry fizz which is a new experiment this year.
 We popped by to see Uncle D on Sunday and had a little wander around his garden. We have been promised full access to all his fruit again this year in exchange for one jar of everything we make. It's a wonderland for a prepper in his garden.
 He has 2 huge Apple trees.
 2 huge plum trees, I think they are Victoria plums but don't hold me to it. I do know they are really sweet and tasty when ripe.
A tall Damson tree, the fruit is just beginning to turn so it won't be long till I'm back picking.
 In addition there are blackcurrants, gooseberries, raspberries, pears and rhubarb. I can't believe how lucky I am to have free access to it all. :)

x x x

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