
Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Banana Overload

 Oh dear. I've done it again. Pick up a bunch of banana's for lunch boxes and snacking only to not use them and discover them brown and slightly squishy in the fruit bowl. So I knew I needed to get some baking on the go today.
 So above we have a big banana cake for lunchboxes over the week.
 And two banana and fruit crumbles, one with topping, one without sprinkled with a little brown sugar. We ate the one without topping after our lunch of cheese and coleslaw sandwiches. Baked banana's are wonderful!!! If you haven't ever tried it please please do.
After all that baking and during the small mountain of washing up both of the girls curled up and went to sleep in the sunshine. I took the opportunity to finish another teddy bear for DD's Christmas present. This one is a lot larger than the SOC bears so it has taken a fair while to sew all the pieces together, plus hiding it from her view.

 All in all a successful and busy day. :)

X x X

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