
Thursday, 2 May 2013

Thrifty Thursday.

 It's Thursday! Which means it's my day to shop and wander the charity shop of dear little Havant.
 First I picked up the newest issue of Gardener's World for the 2for1 card. There are several local attractions I can use the offer with, one of them being a local farm DD loves. By using this card and chatting up a friend to go with me I can split the cost of a £7 entry ticket. Who can argue with a day out for £3.50. Even better the card lasts a whole year!

Next I picked up these yummy goodies in Waitrose. I couldn't make them for these prices! I have frozen the brownies down into daily portions.

 Finally I made it to my favourite charity shop and spotted these two little gems.
 The top is a beautiful shade of blue, and hand knitted. I've popped it in the wash and will try it on tomorrow evening. I've a feeling it will be a bit on the small side but I love love love that wool. If I can't wear it in this guise I will soon turn it into something I can! For a measly 50p who could argue.

 The blue scarf is to replace on of mine that snagged in the wash. I use them daily for corralling my crazy wild hair into order and generally pick which ever suits my mood/outfit that day. I liked the colour, print and texture. I loved the price of 25p so snapped it up.
 I didn't notice the label until I got back home and laid it out for the photo! Some of you might remember the other John Lewis scarf I picked up a while back here. Someone one would appear to be donating them regularly so I will make sure I keep my eyes open for any others.

X x X


  1. Lovely finds, I love that colour blue, nice and bright and summery

  2. Great finds. I love that blue.


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