
Saturday, 27 April 2013

The future is knitted

   A lady approached the knitting group I attend on Thursday and invited us all to enter a horticultural show's craft events. She left us a book which lists all the things we can enter if we like. I'm really tempted to go in for some. I love a challenge and the comp isn't until August so I have lots of time to work on some entries.
 The picture above is the bag I've nearly finished, I'm just working on the strap now and then need to sew it up. I'm so pleased with it and hope whoever receives it as a present appreciates it.
 Once the bag is finished I am going to work on my first entry for the show. A soft toy to be made in any type of handicraft. I've been scouting around the net for ideas and so far I am thinking of trying this .....

...with a little tweaking here and there. I'm also thinking of doing it with a fair isle patten to jazz it up, in mixed shades of blue. Hmmmmm... still not quite sure about it but it so much fun planning it all out.

What do you think readers? Am I brave or foolish to think about entering? And what about my toy idea?

X x X



  1. oooh! I got a knitting book out of the library ages ago and it had that lovely reindeer bag in it. But I never noted the name of the book. PLEASE can you remind me?

    Yes, have a go at a knitted toy. Be brave!! You CAN do it!! xx

    1. The book I'm using is here;

      I really recommend it, so many gorgeous designs to make!

  2. ooh the bag looks fabulous, i can knit, but never knitted a pattern like this

  3. Go for it! As one whose husband wonders why I don't just have knitting needles surgically implanted, I'm all for knitting up a storm!

    Love that reindeer pattern! :-)

    The Knitting Assassin!

    Twitter – @Librarymaid


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