
Friday, 25 January 2013

Movies and storys and followers....Oh My!

 So it's another day and another movie. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (5/250). And the first dud on the list in my opinion. I'm writing this before it's  finished playing but I'm already tuned out. I don't feel drawn to any of the characters, or the storyline. It's just not happening for me, but hey if anyone asks me if I've ever seen it I can yes, but it wasn't my cup of tea. Oh well.
 Next on the list is 12 angry men - I've never heard of it and had to track it down and order it off Ebay so while I'm waiting for it to turn up I will move on or I will loose all momentum. Number 7 is The Dark Knight. My hubby loves that film so he will be happy to watch it with me, hopefully he will make it more fun because I hate hate HATE the new batman films, I've seen all three with Hubby, at least most of all three films I tend to nap or wander off. So I don't think that will be a positive review post either lol.

 In other news I have complete part 1 of a new bucketlist challenge. To read 100 books in 2013.
 Is reading Mills and Boons cheating? They are pretty short and sweet, I tend to read one in a session so the numbers should rack up quickly on this challenge. I love a nice trashy romance.
  If you have a kindle or a kindle program I recommend grabbing this one now as it's free. It's rather sweet (and sexy) but not OTT or in your face about it. I certainly fell rather in love with Silvio - definitely my sort of man.
 If you read it , drop me a comment and let me know what you thought.

And finally a big thank you to all my followers! 72 of you are now happy to follow my posts and listen to me whitter on about this, that and the other. Every time I see that little number pop up I smile the biggest beaming grin you did ever see. I'm going to celebrate with Ben and Jerry on the sofa. (The other men in my life!)

x x x x

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