
Wednesday, 12 December 2012

A little catch up

 Hello lovely readers,

 I haven't had barely a moment to myself lately. Baby D is teething, DD is always up to something, and poor old OH is now working everyday till Christmas Day thanks to being royally shafted. The bank decided that using our debit card in Asda on the same day we do every week for our weekly shop is suspicious and froze everything. Plus the general getting ready for Christmas type stuff.
 So if you don't see me posting between now and C day, do not worry I'm just catching up lol.

x x x x

P.S - Does anyone else find it hilarious that a local vicar is currently on the Paleo diet aka The caveman diet?

1 comment:

  1. surely the Vicar ought to be following the "Daniel Diet"? or the "What Would Jesus Eat?" diet. They would be more biblical!! Or is he planning to turn up to carol services dressed as Fred Flintstone??

    Bob is getting a little slimmer- but only because flu has temporarily killed off his appetite!!

    hope the finances settle down soon, hun, you can do without Bank Hassle right now. At least you have a loving, supportive OH beside you.

    blessings xx


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