
Monday, 12 November 2012

It's rainging, it's pouring.

  We are hiding from the pouring rain today in the kitchen baking some goodies for Daddy. I used a store brought Peppa Pig cupcake kit and it was awful. DD was really disappointed that it turned into grey soggy sludge, and after baking make grey lumpy cakes. We still decorated them but after us both trying one each and neither of us taking more than a bite, I thoroughly unrecommended them!
 So in order to appease DD and make something edible for Daddy we used up one of the brownie mixes from yesterday. DD spent ages carefully transferring the contents of the jar into the mixing bowl a spoonful at a time. And she was very pleased with the thick chocolaty mix it turned into.
 After being so good while baking and helping me wash up a few things up, I gave DD her Peppa Pig magazine from the other day. Once our brownies and cake were cool we made up the cake stand and made a nice cakey display ready for after our dinner.

 A job well done I thinks!
x x x

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