
Monday, 5 November 2012

AoG Day 4; Time

 I was really stuck on today's art page. I decided to use the quote once again, but I had to have a think about the technique. I don't own any paint or inks (except the usual type in pens) so I needed to be creative to include a stamp into my page. In the end I cut the word time out of old postage stamps!
 I styled my page to look like a retro mantel clock and added the quote in gold pen on the dial.
I really like how this looks, and how different each of my pages are so far.
 P.S; I attempted to schedule this post for yesterday evening as I had family round for the day and wouldn't have time to post it later. Turns out I set it for 2013! LOL


  1. I like how you have done your clock and giggled that you got the scheduled "time" in next year - LOL

  2. Brilliant. I love that you found a way to do this when you don't have the supplies. Mind you the techniques is only there for people to use or not use as the case may be.


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