
Monday, 24 September 2012

A little Sunday crafting

 Thank you for all the get well messages and emails. We are all recovering well and things are returning to normal, now we just have that horrible catching up stage to get through in the house. I've wasted so much fresh food while we were ill I feel pretty bad.
 Yesterday being a horrible rainy afternoon I busted out the craft supplies and made some new storage for DD's art supplies. So far I have 2 empty formula boxes and I was determined to use them.
 So once they had been cleaned and dried, I cover each one in a page from my atlas, added a fish label from a cutting up book and voila! One box for pens and one box for pencils and crayons.
I think they look rather smart and nautical. Certainly an improvement and more on theme than the old biscuit box they were in before. I also threw out any that were snapped or had run out of ink.
 At her peak Baby D will be getting through on of these boxes a week so expect lots more crafty/storage posts using them in the future!

x x x

1 comment:

  1. One year we decorated a load of SMA tins, made holes in the lids and then gave lots of family members "String Tins" for Christmas presents. Frugal, attractive - and surprisingly well received!

    love your map tins!
    blessings x


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