
Saturday, 9 June 2012

Sunny Saturday

 When we arrived at the shop this morning I had 2 lovely letters waiting for me. I love receiving post so I was all excited that I had two things to open.
 The first was a free Euro 2012 wall chart I had ordered for my OH. He has given it pride of place in the shops kitchenette so he can keep track of his football.
 And the second was my prize from the lovely Fat Doormouse.
 I had a lovely little letter to enjoy reading with my morning cuppa, and a lovely french fridge magnet. Sadly the envelope was torn to pieces on arrival inside a little plastic bag covered in french writing. According to Doormouse's letter I was also supposed to receive a handmade bookmark but sadly it hasn't made the journey. As you can see from the letter I had to piece it back together to read it. But I did really enjoy receiving it anyway, thank you so much Doormouse :)
 After my post-a-thon DD and I sneaked out the shop to have a look at a local monthly craft fair. We went a little mad and snapped up 4 postcards for 10p each, 2 hair slides for DD at £1.50 and finally three of Thresa's legendary cakes for £2. It has taken all my strength and more to get those three cakes home intact for our pudding this evening!
 While we were out a friend of ours popped in to say hello to OH and say he was back from his holiday in France. He picked me up a french newspaper on his travels which has made for a fascinating gift as we spent a happy half an hour trying to work out what various headlines could be and translating them with google to see if we were right.
 And it's been such a lovely sunny day, we decided to take the scenic walk home and let DD have a good walk. After this awful patch of weather we've just had it was lovely to just stretch some muscle and breathe from fresh air. Funny enough the speed of a 2 year old  toddling is about the same as a 6 month pregnant lady waddling so we managed along very well.
Though we did have to have a few rest stops, but DD insists they were for her stuffed doggy and not for her. Funnily enough it was also stuffed doggy who kept picking treasure up all along the route.
Me; Why is there a stone in your pocket?
DD; Doggy stone
Me; ..and the feather?
DD; Doggy feather.

x x x x

1 comment:

  1. Hello lovely xxxxx I love the doggy stone and feather! I'm back but can you email me your address again and I'll get the goodies in the post this week xxxx Love Froogs xx


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