
Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Busy Morning.

It's been a busy morning at the Frugal Home. I've  managed to get a load of laundry organised, washed up, had a general tidy and whip up a tray of Banana and chocolate cakes for OH. It isn't even lunchtime so I'm quite impressed with myself.
DD loved helping with all the stirring and mashing up the bananas. Not sure there is as much banana as there should be in the final cakes, some of it mysteriously disappeared during baking.I have a suspect but I can't prove it as she is getting more and more sneaky every day lol.

Here are the goodies from my mums swap meet. A pair of dark trousers for OH, some lovely blue linen trousers for me, perfect for when we go on holiday soon. They are drawstring as well so I can adjust them during the day according to which way the baby has decided to lay. There is also a top to go with the trousers but DD has hidden it somewhere and I haven't had chance to go hunting. The socks are just so fun!!!

A finally a wonderful soft cardigan, perfect for the cooler evenings and sofa snuggles. DD loves to cuddle into it so I know it's met with her approval. Not sure why hippo and penguin had to be included in the photo but DD insisted they did.  
 My plans for the afternoon are to continue knitting a Christmas present and if possible catch a nap with DD in the afternoon. Tonight is date night so DD is going to spend a few hours with her grandparents while me and daddy have a pub meal and catch a movie. I can't wait.

x x x

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