
Sunday, 27 May 2012

The big day out

 I am exhausted!! As soon as this post is written and posted I will hitting the shower and then the bed for a well deserved rest. First we spent a few hours at a local car boot sale, we found several bargains and I will give them their own post tomorrow. Then we went to Uncle D's house to meet up for a special day out. For DD's second birthday in March Uncle D promised us all a ride on a mini steam train and today was the perfect timing and weather to finally go. 
 First we helped feed the fish in Uncle D's  goldfish pond. There are hundreds in the there and DD finds it really entertaining.
 Then we went to Royal Victoria Country park, after waiting on a little station we were off on our birthday train ride.

 Then came ice cream cones and tickle fights in the sunshine.
 A bit of posing in Daddy's sunglasses.
 A slap up pub meal and a play on a bouncy castle.
And finally we helped Grandad water his allotment before going home for a well deserved rest. All in all a fabulous day out was had by all.
x x x

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on winning FrugalQueen's giveaway - really pleased for you!


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