
Monday, 7 May 2012

Another day by the sea.

  This Bank holiday has been something of a wash out down our way. I was hoping to get some beach combing in but it was far to drizzly even for me lol. So we did the same as before, nice lunch in the cafe and a mooch around the arcades. Being a bank holiday meant all the arcades were open this time, and some of the fun fair rides were running as well. It also meant that the free car park on the beach was £2.50 rather than free like last visit so we park a few roads from the beach for free and walked instead.
 (Above) DD loved pretending to drive on this racing simulator game. She didn't even mind that we hadn't put any money in and was quite contend spinning the steering wheel and beeping the horn.
 OH sneaked this snapshot of me trying to win some sweets for DD.  I hadn't realised my bump had popped out quite so much already.
 As we moved from one arcade to the other DD loved finding puddles to splash in. We had to take her shoes and trousers off in the car for the journey home as they were soaked through. But seeing her so happy and giggling was worth it.
 Who remembers these from their childhood? I used to love "winning" my little egg from these machines. I haven't seen one like this in years and years!! I think the modern ones are so boring and expensive at £1 a go. I also remember there used to be one with a monkey/gorilla as well.

 x x x

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