Today's tip;
Pineapple Liqueur.
Make your own pineapple liqueur. For this you need a fairly large pineapple, sugar and brandy. Peel the pineapple, removing all the coarse hairs. Grate the pineapple quite finely and sprinkle it thinly with sugar. Allow it to stand for 24 hours - preferably where greedy young fingers can get to it, because its smell does have an effect rather like a candle to a moth. Press out all the juice, using a wooden spoon and a conical sieve. To this liquid add an equal volume of brandy and sugar - 2oz of sugar per 1/2 pint of brandy*. Pour this liquid into a jar. Add one or two slices of fresh pineapple. Cover the jar and allow to stand, unsampled, for 3 weeks. Strain and bottle the liqueur.
* Don't use your best brandy for this job. Use the cheapest you can lay hands on.
I don't know about you but I think I will be trying this recipe very soon. Doesn't it sound yummy?
x x x
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