
Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Freebie Day

I have decided to name today Freebie Day. So many lovely things have come my way. First I picked up the new John Lewis magazine in Waitrose. It's really good this month and has quite a vintage theme, so make sure you shabby chiqers out there nab one quick.
Next was lots of free samples as I walked through the Tuesday market, olives from the Greek foods stall, a few cubes of brownie and cookie from a new baked goods stall and finally a sample of the new pasta salad in a local cafe/take away place. And there was still more to come.
Then I was given two dozen plums, a massive handful of runner beans and lots of baby carrots.
From a really sweet friend. I took the photo after processing them for the freezer and remembering that I hadn't taken a photo d'oh!

And finally our wedding rings arrived today!! Now these were definitely not free but when I tried mine on next to me engagement ring (top ring) it looked filthy. So the lovely gent in a local jewellers gave it a free clean and polish for me, when I went to pay him the £2 he usually charges he said I could have it free as an early wedding present. Now they look even better together and I'm almost ready now for my big day.
10 freebies in one day, this is definitely a personal record for me.
x x x x

P.S - What freebies came your way today?

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