
Friday, 22 July 2011

Disasters into delights

There has been a huge disaster in our home!!! Yesterday we treated ourselves to a bar of chocolate from the pound shop thinking it would be a treat. But when we got home we found out it was actual a bar of that horrible chocolate candy stuff that has no right to class itself as chocolate. You know that horrible brown stuff they put in advent calenders? One huge bar of it was now living in my kitchen!

However all is not lost! For after a little research and a some clever thinking I have skillfully created a nummy treat from this disaster. Enter a recipe for Chocolate Triffin. Even better is a non cook recipe perfect to entertain the kiddies on a horrible wet day.

1 bar of chocolate
Several broken up biscuits
Handful of marshmallows
Handful of dried fruit/raisins
4 tea spoons of cocoa powder
4oz of Margarine/Butter/Spread
2 Desert spoons of Honey/Golden syrup
2 Desert spoons of Sugar


Melt the sugar, cocoa, butter and honey together using a few short blasts in the microwave. Once your mixture is smooth and delicious smelling, resist dipping in your fingers and instead add the broken biscuits, marshmallows, raisins and anything else you have to hand into the mix. (I recommend chopped glace cherrys and coconut)
Once everything is nicely covered pop the mixture into a buttered dish and push down firmly to fill as many of those tiny gaps as you can. Leave to one side far away from inquisitive toddlers.
Melt the chocolate using the microwave again and stir until smooth and tempting to drink.
Pour the chocolate over the first mix and spread evenly. Leave to cool a little and then pop into the fridge to finish hardening.

Once is nicely set, hack it into pieces and eat as fast as humanly possibly.

Crisis averted
x x x x

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