
Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Little Somethings.

I'm sure we all have a little something that keeps us sane on those horrible days that creep up now and again. My personal little something is bath products. Particularly Lush bath products. No matter the stress level or the disaster, 35 minutes and some hot water later I can re- emerge collected, calm and ready to go.
Today has been such a day. No one thing in particular has upset me, I just need that little piece of me time and some luxury. So may I introduce Lush's Matryoska.
Isn't she lovely. Based on a Russian nesting doll she is made of two pieces of apple soap on the outside. And two different scented bath ballistics on the inside. Her scarf is the perfect size and softness for reusing as a hanky, and deliciously scented from the soap. And best of all she is half price in the January sales.

I will see you tomorrow, bright and chirpy, and smelling of apples.
Take Care Everyone
x x x

1 comment:

  1. Lush products are so lovely,a great way to make you feel relaxed,i always stock up when i see a lush shop about :)


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