
Sunday, 31 May 2020

Yesterdays shenanigans

The heat completely beat me yesterday we walked into town to buy some food supplies but by the i got back I was hot, cross and puffy. 
I did finish off DD2s Flippens though.

While watching Citizen Kane and laying on the bed under the cool breeze of our biggest and strongest fan.

And drinking an ice cold bottle of Frobishers. These bottles are 39p each in Home Bargains so I've bought one of each flavour to try out. This one was nice but very acidic which I regretted soon after 🙄

I didn't get as far as the garden but i did tend my windowsill plants. I have three tiny cucumbers starting out which I'm pretty proud off.

The rest of the windowsill is looking good, if a little overheated. I have a cucumber, corriander, chilli and Tulsi aka Holy Basil.
I'm hoping to build up a collection of herbs on here over time. 

X x X

Friday, 29 May 2020

Today I have been...

... starting a pair of ombre flippens for DD2. She choose the yarn on a recent trip to Poundland. I'm not quite sure why she wants Flippens in June but it gives me something to do 😂


...baking Lasagna bites. A huge success with everyone in the house. A little bit of a fuss to make but whenever I've cooked lasagna in the past I've always found theres that one layer of pasta which just refuses to cook through and spoils it all. Doing them this way avoided that scenario.

...reading my new issue of Grow your own. The seeds that came with it are a nice mix of the classic and the more unusual. I've not tried growing chicory before.

...buying some fresh compost supplies to plant the seeds above. I messaged my Dad to say the magazine had arrived and he offered to take me to the local garden centre. 75 litres of compost for £3.95 was such a bargain we grabbed two.

...finishing the elderflower cordial. I made it yesterday and left it over night to infuse, the kitchen smelled heavenly this morning when I woke. There are now 3 jam jars of cordial in the fridge to enjoy and some frozen into ice cubes in the freezer. 

X x X