
Saturday, 29 February 2020

I'm a terrible parent!!!!

Ran a bubble bath for me and Baby W. Didn't check it, just stripped her and chucked her in while i stripped off. She starts screaming, and i mean screaming. Its ice cold, the boiler has reset thanks to a power surge earlier 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

 My poor baby just experienced her first full body ice bath 🤦‍♀️

Friday, 28 February 2020

The funniest meal out in ages.

We had a few bags of charity shop donations that needed delivering so Hubby kindly drove me to my favourite little village of  West End to donate them and have a little mooch for bargains.
 On the way back to the car he suggested we try a meal at The White Swan which we would pass on the way home. It was a lovely suggestion so I happily agreed and off we went.
Once at the pub the waitress seating us apologised that the place was so cold. The heating had been broken and only fixed that morning. In fact they'd only opened shortly before we arrived. 
We both said that was fair enough and just decided to keep our coats on for the time being. It was a large pub so understandably would take a while to warm back up again. 
Then we ordered our meals. 20 minutes pass, 30, 40...
The waitress now looking quite frazzled explains there's some sort of oven issue happening and because we'd waited so long to eat, my meal would be free. Hubby had choosen the carvery meal and had politely waited for me. 
10 more minutes pass and hooray my food is ready, i watch it slowly travel accross the restaurant towards me, and then get dropped on the floor a few metres from my table by a waitress who honestly looks like she could just cry at this point.
Hubby and I look at each other and burst in laughter. 
The waitress takes a fresh order from a list of things she promises is ready to go. An hour after we arrive we finally manage to eat.
 The whole thing might have been thoroughly annoying on another day but today it was just funny. 
We must of had about 4 staff come apologise to us during our meal, and both recieved a free drink on top of our one free meal so it ended up being a very reasonable trip. The staff couldn't really have done much more.
I really hope their day improved after we left.

X x X

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Marwell Zoo

It's renewal time for the zoo annual passes. So it's been an expensive day. After the amount of use we got from them in the past 12 months we were happy to renew.
As the 3 biggest were back in school and the weather was nice for a change we took the opportunity for a little walk just the three of us.

Baby W enjoyed being able to stop and explore at toddler speed for a change rather than chase the older ones. We spent a fair while in the hot house watching the huge school of fish. 
I also got to visit the mostly avoided gift shop where they were selling off their 2020 calenders for £1! With my 10% members discount I can enjoy for just 90p 😂

X x X

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Messy Church

This month's theme was all about the temptation of Jesus during his 40 days in the desert. 
We made salt dough desert animals, made blessing jars for Lent and handprint angels. 
Sadly DH was working so it was hectic few hours of keeping an eye on all 4 of them by myself but we managed.
The shared meal was chicken and vegetable wraps followed by milk and homemade cookies. 
We've been invited to attended a family church session in March, which if we enjoy and want to continue could lead to us becoming members of the congregation. It's quite an exciting opportunity that we are looking forward to trying.
For now though I need a hot bubble bath  to stop my poor back aching.

X x X

Saturday, 15 February 2020

Valentines Day

A belated Happy Valentine's Day to you all.
Gman wanted to make some cards for his teacher and classroom assistant so we busted out the scrapstore supplies and got making on Thursday. The girls soon joined in and made their own versions too.
It was a lovely way to spend an afternoon together.

On Valentine's morning the children all woke up to find a jar of sweets each from a secret admirer. 
Each jar is filled with various little themed chocolates from net bags at home bargains and poundland, plus some mini marshmallows for good measure. It cost me around £3 to fill all 4 jars with a few leftovers for mummy to enjoy.

And now we are onto half term. So I have 9 days of the children home and needed entertaining.

X x x

Friday, 7 February 2020

Mummy hits the shops

It was beautiful bright school run this morning. A little bit of frost still around but it was quickly disappearing. It felt good to be warmed by the sun for a little bit, I feel like I haven't seen it properly in a long while.
First stop in town was the phone shop. It was time to change my phone on Wednesday, which I did, but the new SIM wasn't working correctly. The store assistant apologised and swapped over for a new one and had it all running within 10 minutes. I was very impressed. 
After the phone shop I popped to my favourite charity shop for some book bargains. Books are BOGOF again even on the clearance basket so the novel and cookbook above were 29p for both. The clearance DVDs are only 9p each so I treated myself to some stand up comedy. I don't tend to rewatch them after the first viewing so will pass it along once I've enjoyed it.

A school run buddy suggested I look in The Works at their Easter craft kits. I'm quite impressed with them, though a few things are cheaper elsewhere so make sure you shop around. I was mostly impressed with the pack sizes. Bookmarks 8 pack, egg decoration 6 pack, rocket ships 4 pack. Perfect for a big family. Nothing worse than opening a craft kit and finding it only makes 2 complete items between 4 children 🤦‍♀️.
The sets at the front are to pop in Easter baskets. Each pack contains colouring pencils, crayons, rubber (eraser) and sharpener. They'd be perfect for a day trip or little holiday somewhere. 
The two books will be tucked away for birthdays. Gman will love the comic book for 25p and DD1 is unicorn and craft obsessed so that will be an instant winner. 
I also grabbed a fresh bag of Epsom salts in Poundland but figured you didn't need a photo of them. I've almost finished our current packet fighting poor Baby W's nappy rash. Fingers crossed though it seems to have passed for now.

X x X

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

Hair scrunchies

I'm pretty pleased with this little trio of hair scrunched. They will make a sweet addition to DD1's birthday stash. I've stashed the patterns to so I can make them as last minute gift ideas.
I wonder if they'd sell on Etsy or a craft stall?

X x X

Tuesday, 4 February 2020

Scrappy Hat Complete

I've finally completed my scrappy hat from the bag of scrap store yarn. Its been a Labourlove to be honest. 

I'm really pleased with the way the colours have worked together. I've managed to weave most of the three billion ends in as I've knitted it so that's saved a lot of fact.

Baby W has taken a great shine to it though so I'm not sure it will be DH's hat after all. 
Things don't tend to stay unclaimed in this house for long.

For my next project I will be knitting some scrunchies for DD1's birthday.

X x X