
Wednesday, 29 January 2020

Exciting phone call.

 Husband; I've got some exciting news.
 Me; Oh! What?
 Husband; We've won on the Euromillions!
 Me; Oh my! Really? How exciting!
 Husband; We need to decided what to do with the money. I don't want to waste it.
 Me; Me neither. How much are we talking?
 Husband; £2.50!
 Me; Wind up merchant! Boring day at work?
 Husband; Very. See you tonight!

   I take back all the nice things I said about him 😂😂😂 though of course it now means I have to think of a good way to get him back. I might feed him some vegan sausages 😈

X x X 

Monday, 27 January 2020

Scrapstore Haul for January

 I love the Scrap store. It's a shop of the weird and wonderful, full of crafting inspiration and glimmers of creative ideas. I could happily live there I think.
Today's haul contained;
Tiny cardboard squares.
Purple and pink netting offcuts.
Red sticky backed vinyl.
2 plastic discs.

Lots of sheets of gold, red and pink paper and card.

Chinese New Year decorations.

A mixed bag of fun fur scraps.

A large bag of mixed lengths of black, brown and orange yarn. 

I can't wait to get experimenting and crafting with this little lot. 

X x X

Saturday, 25 January 2020

Exciting times ahead

We are all very excited to announce that a 5th child will joining our little family in July.
We are still a little early to find out the gender of our newest addition but Gman has told us that " it's probably a crocodile", so we are going with that for the moment.
I cant wait to experience all those precious firsts again 😍

X x X

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

Busy as a Bee

I don't think I've paused for longer than two minutes today. It's not been a bad day, just one of those that has flowed from one task to the next.
First as always was the school run. I checked the lost property box this morning and found both of yesterday's missing sandwich boxes. One had been cleaned out and washed by I assume whoever accidentally took it home yesterday. The other was left as it was.
Then I popped into town to get DD1 something for her lips. I've opted for a little tub of Vaseline. Poor DD1 her lips gets so dry and sore in winter. 😔
Then I popped to one of the many hairdressers to find someone to cut the children's hair this week. The first wanted to charge £12 per child
 Even 1year old Baby W! I tried a few more and found a friendly independent hairdressers who said she'd usually charge £6 each but as we want 4 haircuts she'd only charge £5 each! 
I booked her on the spot. Baby W had hers done then and there. It didn't go down well but with a biscuit for a distraction we got there in the end. 
The other 3 will be shipped straight after school.

Once home I whipped up 1 large and 2 small lasagne and a batch of chocolate cornflake cakes. Dinner can be reheated and served as needed this evening.
I finished cooking just in time for the Gas man to arrive for our annual boiler test. And he left just in time for the second school run.

X x X

Monday, 20 January 2020

The Great Tradwife debate

I've been baking today. Not quite sure what put me in the mood but the children were quite happy to discover a mountain of jam tarts waiting for them after school.
It made me feel a little nostalgic for my posh friend in the old play ground. 
While the tarts were cooking I fell across an article about The Tradwife movement.
I spent a fair while watching various YouTube videos, reading message boards and blog posts about it all. I find the idea pretty fascinating. There's several things that DH and I do that would probably be considered Tradwife.  I am a full time stay at home mum of 4, I do the majority of the cooking, washing and cleaning, DH handles the finances of the family etc.
I wouldn't say I submit to him though, I have my own voice and opinions on things as does he. We don't always agree but we do compromise.
I'm not entirely sure where this puts me on the femanazi to Tradwife scale but I think we might be towards the top of the Tradwife  scale. 
As I said I find it pretty interesting so will continue to look into it. 
What are your thoughts, dear readers?

X x X

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Where's it gone?

I've been on a mission today. The children have requested pancakes instead of dinner this evening, I will happily eat pancakes 24/7 so I was quite happy to agree. 
But we have no squirty cream. And it is in no way acceptable to serve pancakes without it, at least in this household. 
So I popped into town to get some. I looked in all the shops I could think of but couldn't find a single can of squirty cream! Where have they all gone? Did they sell out over Christmas? Were they all recalled? 
On the way home I checked a few more obscure places but still nothing! 
I am going to need to prepare myself for a battle. Wish me luck.

X x X

Friday, 3 January 2020

Out and About

It's all go at Spurrier house today.
First the morning was spent washing everyone's hair and carefully combing for headlice 🤦‍♀️ Everyone was drenched in an over night treatment so hopefully we've stopped it in it's tracks.
I'll be obsessively checking everyone for a while though.
After all that fuss and nonsense they children all needed a good run outside in the fresh air. So I popped to Home Bargains to buy a cheap picnic (£12) while DH loaded them all into the car.  By 1pm we were eating sausage rolls on a picnic bench and watching the tigers at Marwell zoo. After a few hours of running up and down hills plus an epic game of hide and seek in the main playground everyone was suitably out of energy.
On the way home we popped to Asda for a cheap and easy tea of Pizza. We were just in time for the fresh cream cakes to be reduced to we grabbed 2 boxes of split fingers for dessert too.
By the exit was a display of clearance George items. Mostly half price Pudsey pajamas but on the bottom row partially hidden was a lots of children's slippers reduced to a measly £1.
We managed to find pairs to fit 3 of the 4 and as you see above they were all very eager to climb into new cozy slippers. 
Once everyone is in bed I will dig out my trusty permanent marker pen and initial them all to stop fights.

All in all it's been a rather good day.

X x X

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Happy New Year!

It's officially 2020, Happy New Year everyone 😁
We've spent the day entertaining ourselves on the cheap. In the morning we planted our first crops of 2020. Basil, Chives and Parsley from a herb kit we were gifted, and 3 pots of early sweetpeas also from a set that we were gifted.
New Years Day feels like a good sort of day to get new life started.

Most of the afternoon has been spent creating a box city. Using a roll of brown paper we found and as many empty boxes as we could find and beg from the neighbours.

We have a park, zoo complete with fierce Lion, town hall with a fancy clock tower, tower block (sadly on fire) and a police station...

...a modern looking water fountain, hospital with burns unit for the tower block victims, fire station and a huge airport with roof top parking for helicopters! 
 Goodness knows what we might end up adding tomorrow! It's been wonderful watching the children using their imaginations and creative skills.

 What have you been doing today?

X x C