
Wednesday, 31 July 2019


We are officially a week into the school holidays and I'm already loosing track of the days. I had to check my phone to make sure it was in fact Wednesday 😂.
This morning was much nicer weather wise. The children spent it mostly playing in the garden with friends and colouring in some pictures from a large bundle of colouring books a neighbour gifted us today. I've found they last much longer if I remove the pages and put out a handful at a time. That way no one can fight over the "best" book and spilled drinks or ink bleeding through the pages isn't such a disaster. It also means our friends can take home their pictures at the end of their visit.

DH came home from work mid afternoon so DD2's bed was completed. She was thrilled to move into it tonight. Hopefully the girls adjust to cohabiting without to much fuss. I'm expecting a few arguments first though.

And finally I've been working on my current knitting project. Eventually there will be 10 of these multicoloured rectangles ready for the sewing up part. I wonder if anyone recognises what they might be. They will make an item each so they aren't blanket squares. 
Pop your guesses in the comments below.

X x X

Tuesday, 30 July 2019

Drizzly day

We busted out some baking kits this afternoon as a tasty boredom buster. I had 3 kits sat in the baking cup board for a while now so it was good to free up the room. It kept everyone amused for a good hour at the dining table. 
Once they were ready we swapped them all between us so we could all try a little bit of each others baking. 

In other news DD2's half of the girls room is officially ready to be occupied. We managed to move half of her bed this morning but it takes forever to reassemble so it'll be finished off tomorrow.
My evening plans once the children are all tucked into bed is to watch a few more episodes of Teen Wolf and relax with my knitting.

X x x

Saturday, 20 July 2019

Saturday Shenanigans

I'm still working on DD2'S half of the girls room. Today I added the bright yellow and topped up the pink bits with a second coat. The pink and yellow paint were free from a friend moving home, the other colours are the 10p tester pots I stashed a while back. 
I love how the colours are looking together, it makes me think of fruit salad chew sweets 😂

I've also been trying to finish off some WIPs that are laying around. Like stitching up this chunky knit hat I made a while back for Gman. It only took me a few minutes to sort while I took a coffee break. The yarn is so chunky I could sew it up with just my fingers. 
 We have a family birthday party to attend this evening so my afternoon will be spent trying to get 4 children into the bathtub for a scrub and then into some smart clothes just before we head out of the door. 
If I'm lucky I'll have time to sort myself out too 😂

X x X 

Friday, 19 July 2019

Special guest

It was DD2's turn to look after the class mascot this week. His name is Luke Jupiter and he arrived with his own little bag and a diary of precious adventures to add to.
We popped to Marwell zoo one afternoon after school for a few hours to show him our favourite animals and playpark.

  We took lots of photos and printed out DD2's favourites for her to stick in the holiday diary and write a little report on what we'd been doing.
 DD2 really enjoyed it and skipped into school this morning to show everyone the photos 😍

 X x X 

Wednesday, 17 July 2019

Lunar eclipse

Did anyone else what the lunar eclipse last night. We had a great view in our back garden. DH was just heading home from work and DD1 was still reading so we all spent five minutes in the back garden watching the moon slowly disappearing beneath the shadow.
It was the first lunar eclipse DD1 had ever seen so it was a lovely moment to share together.
I'm hoping to share some more family moments with you guys soon too, life has been a mile a minute lately. With 4 children and a very mischievous husband to control there's always something happening that needs sorting out.
We have a very special visitor staying with us this week so after school we will be popping up to visit the zoo.
I will reveal more shortly.

X x