
Friday, 28 September 2018

A day for things ending well

We're celebrating today. My lovely Husband has had a bit of a health scare. Today after two weeks of worry, test results and some poking and prodding, he's been given the all clear.
The relief is indescribable.
At the girls school today the Year 6 children were hosting a Macmillan coffee morning just before school pick up.
It made me think of all those people who won't get the all clear today and we purchased several iced cupcakes to help support the amazing work they do.

Another good ending also happened today, although much more trivial than DH's good news. 
After months of being annoyed at our mismatched Harry Potter collection...

...we finally completed it! We picked up a copy of Book 4 in a charity shop for just 25p! 
I will pop the extra copy into one of the local charity shops when our next donation bag is full.

X x X

Thursday, 13 September 2018

A Big Week for Gman

Gman has officially survived his first week at preschool. He's done very well and charmed the pants off of everyone but the poor soul is exhausted and nodding off at the drop of a hat.
Including on the stairs 😂

Today was his afternoon only session so rather than return home I popped into the town centre for a hot chocolate and natter with my lovely mum. Of course we also visited a few favourite charity shops too.
I found a 50p fairy kit and 2 unicorn notebook and pencil sets for 29p each. All three items will be added to the Christmas stocking pile.

I also treated myself the book in the photo above. It was only 50p and my mum joked it might give us all some tips for Brexit 😂
It has some promising reviews on Amazon so I look forward to giving it a go.

X x X

Saturday, 8 September 2018

Busy day

Hurrah! We have survived our first week of school. Sure it was only a 3 day week but it's hit both of the girls quite hard and they are both very tired.
We started the day with a visit to Eastleigh town centre as DD2 wanted to spend her birthday money in the toy shop.
On the way home we walked through the Eastleigh Pride festival but it was very busy and very very loud so we didn't linger to long.
We did however find a few painted rocks on our travels which kept everyone fairly amused.

Once home we had a quick lunch and then visited a pop up forge in our carpark.
Eventually when our estate is finished there will be a sculpture erected on the green in the centre of the houses. It's going to be a giant trowel, which seems a bit rude as the estate used to a big patch of allotments.
At the forge you could make little clay shapes that would be copied and added to the finished sculpture. 
I'll try and post a photo when it goes up but i don't think it'll be for a little while.
Once we were home again I pottered in the garden for a while. I've planted two types of garlic in the garden - White Cassablanca and Pink Germidor. As well as the Thyme and Oregano seeds that arrived with my gardening magazine a few days ago. The green house is looking rather full now which always makes me feel rather productive.

X x X

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Back to school

My two eldest returned to school yesterday. It was such a whirlwind of a day that I didn't get a chance to blog about it.
DD1 was a bag of nerves. We had to talk through the most preposterous scenarios and come up with plans on how to deal with them. Everything from "what if I need to bathroom during class" right up to "what if there's a fire and I'm in the library".
She came home with a smile and very proudly showed me her new reading record book.

DD2 bounced happily into her new class. I look forward to seeing how things evolve this year as she finally has a school thats offering her some support.

Meanwhile I am 2/3rds through a house blitz. 
I've decided to tackle a floor a day so next week can back to my usual TOMM routine.
Its also giving me an excuse to try out Zoflora's summer scents - Tropical Twist is wonderfully fresh and fruity. I've not tried the Peach scent yet.

X x