
Monday, 19 February 2018

Updates on life in general

Life is hectic at the moment. It seems to be one thing after another.
Add in a busy half term of trips and visits.
Today was back to school for the girls and i found myself with a few hours to just breath and wander the shops. 
My new favourite charity shop is Sue Ryder, who have added to their lovely 20p clothes bin again.
This visit found 2 tops, a cardigan and a jumper. All for DD1 and perfect for summer.
I'll move some of her smaller bits over to DD2's side of the wardrobe.

I also found these gorgous polystyrene bunnies in The Works, and some felt carrots in the Poundshop.  They will make a great base for Easter activities over the next few weeks. For now they are living in the cardboard box with lots of green shredded paper. 

Finally I popped into Waitrose for tomorrow's cheap breakfast and treated myself to a bunch of daffodils for 35p! Sadly they were instantly pinched by DD1 who decided they'd look far nicer in her bedroom than in mine 😂
Oh well. You snooze, you loose as they say.

X x x

Saturday, 10 February 2018

DD1'S a winner....isn't She?

 DD1 skipped proudly out of school yesterday clutching an envelope close to her chest and looking very excited. Her short story, she'd written in school had been entered into a competition and had won!
 The whole way home she gushed about being a winner, about being published in a book of winners, how she wanted to tell everyone we'd ever met about how good her story was.
  Naturally I was thrilled, I even got a touch teary in my pregnant state.  My clever little daughter winning writing comps aged 7. Amazing!

 But then I read the winners letter properly and the world began to crash down.
 The company running the "competition" have been running this scam for years. Every child in DD1's class, probably year group has received this letter. Out of the 25,000 entries into the competition her class won 30 winner places. What are the chances eh?
 In order to have your child's winning entry published you must send off a form giving permission to have it printed. AND agree to buy a copy of the printed book for the bargain price of £15.99 + £2 postage. There's offers to tempted you into buying more. 3 for 2, 10 for 7.
 Surely the winners get a free copy I thought. As a prize of their achievement? No. There is no achievement here. Every entry in that book paid £17 (minimum) to be there. If you don't pay you don't get entered.  Hardly a compltion is it.

 Apparently it's called vanity press, and thousands are duped into it every single school term.

 I'm fuming. And will not be buying a copy and will be warning others about it!

 X x X

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Vintage vest top finished

Isn't this sweet? I found the pattern last week on a vintage knitting pattern website. I had just enough of the pale blue wool to finish it. 
It matches really nicely with Gman's new check shirt and trousers from a few days ago so I'm really pleased. 
It also means another ball has been used up from the great stash under the bed. 
Next I have 2 balls of faux fur yarn to use up, I'll let you know what they turn into shortly.

X x X 

Friday, 2 February 2018

Victorian Day

DD2 has enjoyed a day of dressing, eating and learning just like a Victorian student.
Her school was celebrating its birthday.
I seemed to mostly enjoy it although the boiled cabbage they served with lunch got the thumbs down 😂
They also had a visit from the "real" Queen Victoria. I haven't the heart to tell her the truth about it. She was so excited to have given the Queen a high five. 

X x X

Clothes bargains

Today there has been much excitement. The 20p clothes bin in Sue Ryder has been topped up with fresh supplies. I couldn't resist a good rummage.
Gman now has a new checked shirt and navy demin jeans. They might need to wait till the summer as they are a touch big but they look brand new.

DD1 has a new pair of grey jeans and some snuggly jogging trousers. She can be a bit fussy on trousers so hopefully she'll like them both.

DD2 has a cute purple shirt and a pair of Brats cargo trousers. 

Not a bad haul for £1.20!

X x X