
Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Project of the week

I'm getting super fed up with the amount of laundry this household produces. I understand of course that 5 people (3 small!) are going to make a substantial pile over the course of the week, but it's gotten to ridiculous levels.
So I'm focusing this week on making the job an easier one.
Job 1 is blitzing everyone's wardrobes.
The photo above is Gmans entire wardrobe!

Once I'd taken out all the outgrown bits, anything I didn't really like, anything marked or tatty, we actually had a lot less.
A handful of things have gone back into storage under his bed to be grown into, and a friend of a fiend will be gifted the decent looking cast offs. 

  As a reward for my hard work I visited my favourite clearance aisle!  I found curtains, bedding and decorative cushions to stash away for when we decorate the shared bedroom next month. £55 worth of stuff for just £8.98! I do love a bargain!

 X x x

Sunday, 12 February 2017

Decorating for Valentine's Day

 Our living room is looking very romantic.
After a fortnight of making various decorations we have almost run out of room for any new ones.
 It's been really fun watching the display strings filling up with creations though.

Now Valentines is almost here, we need to start thinking about our next project. 
Mummy needs to get planning!

X x x 

Friday, 3 February 2017

All the latest

It's been hectic in our household. Everything seems to happen at once doesn't it? Car break downs, extra hours at work, tummy bugs and much more besides.
However we have survived through and have returned back to you. 
So a family update.
G-man is happy and healthy. Currently working on teething his last few gnashers. 

DD2 is enjoying our home learning theme of celebrations this year. Chinese New Year went down well and we are currently working hard on Valentine's Day decorations.

DD has become obsessed with eating everything with chopsticks. It's proving both hilarious and annoying in equal measure. 
She also just lost her second tooth!

Hubby is still my biggest child and requires the most supervision of them all lol.
He's currently up for premotion at work so fingers crossed for that! 

And finally me!  I am recovering from the bug mentioned earlier but otherwise I'm doing okay. I'm currently working through the Beautiful Creatures book series when I get a few minutes spare from running around after everyone.

How are you all?